Whether you need to change your cambelt or replace your engine following a broken camshaft incident, our Redgate Lodge team are ready to lend a helping hand!
A cambelt is a rubber belt that synchronises the rotation of your vehicle’s crankshaft and camshaft(s). Without this instrumental mechanical component, your engine cannot function!
Over the course of time, the heat generated by your engine, alongside adverse weather conditions and general wear and tear, will cause your cambelt to gradually crack and stretch. However, if you regularly change your cambelt when it begins to show signs of becoming damaged, you can easily avoid any mechanical issues or cambelt related breakdowns. Many automotive manufacturers recommend that you replace your cambelt after four to five years or after you have travelled between 50,000 and 80,000 miles.
Whether you need to change your cambelt or replace your engine following a broken camshaft incident, our Redgate Lodge team are ready to lend a helping hand!
Call us on 0191 266 1081 & see how much you could save by coming to us instead of a main dealer!